Chairman's Update

Chairman's Update

Taranaki Futures continues to maintain its presence in Taranaki supporting those from education to employment.

The education and employment landscape is evolving, with significant reform and developments in tertiary education. Taranaki Futures see these changes as a catalyst for future opportunity, as we continue to deliver our high-value programmes, including in 2021 Infrastructure Talent Pipeline (Gateway), MPTT, Accelerator and reviewing the facilitation of an event for specific industry players as connectors with the school communities and partners.

As with most organisations, our operations have been impacted by COVID-19. Our highly regarded Accelerator Programme has been diverted until 2021. We have also rationalised our resources in a post COVID landscape to support the delivery of this reduced programme load and are confident in our long-serving team members ability to delivery our confirmed programme streams.

At this time, a decision not to reappoint a General Manager, following the departure of Belinda Mooney at the end of July 2020, is reflective of our reduced programme load.

The Board’s decision is that our established programmes are able to be delivered and managed by our existing team members, and Taranaki Futures doesn’t see the reappointment of another General Manager at this time as the best use of our resources.

We are extremely confident in the depth of experience, knowledge and capability of our team members, who will continue to manage our commitment to funding partners and delivery those programmes.

Taranaki Futures is excited to see what opportunities lay ahead, as we continue to support those looking to move from education to employment, work with our partners and stakeholders and deliver our well-known, and successful programmes.

 Any queries related to our programmes can be directed to Wendy Devine at

The Taranaki Futures Board and the team look forward to 2021 as we continue to be part of the pathway offerings in Taranaki, connecting education pathways with employment.

Steve Scott

Chairman – Taranaki Futures Trust Incorporated

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