Taranaki Futures Accelerator - Cancelled for 2020

Taranaki Futures Accelerator - Cancelled for 2020

Taranaki Futures is working hard to deliver our programmes in alignment with Ministry of Health recommendations regarding the management of Coronavirus.  

Whilst the Accelerator programme falls under the 500 threshold for large gatherings, due to the high contact nature of business visits and term-long duration of the programme, the decision has been made to cancel this year’s programme. We are very disappointed to make this call, however believe it is the right one at this time.

This year we had over 40 businesses on board to mentor 95 students. Many of these businesses have implemented their own measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus, which includes new protocols around limiting external site visitors (such as students). We would like to take this opportunity to thank these businesses for their support, and endorse all protocols in place to reduce the spread of Coronavirus.

The status of other Taranaki Futures programmes are being reviewed daily alongside feedback from education partners, the business community and Ministry of Health.

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MPTT grad Kylie takes up the fight against Covid-19

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Maori & Pasifika Trades Training - Hotel Management opportunity!